Saturday, May 24, 2008

miscellanious(excuse the spelling!!!!)

when i start to type this i really dont know what am intending to type and hence the name...i startd this blog coz everyone around me had one to talk just thought of trying out this newly found craze of the people..initially i never understood what was it that attracted so many people(busy as they are) to sit and type n type endless stuff n post things on net..i really didn't get their point..but then after reading through a few blogs i think i got the psychology working behind it-u get to write and say about yourself endlessly and i think i gives a mental this busy world where we hardly have time to check who our next door neighbours are,where do we get time to talk to peole around..i might say i exponentially spend more time in front of my pc than with my family basically cant blame people for having got addicted to this typing business..and moreover it gives a joy to find people reading ypur postings and commenting on them....hey you r famous-jus because you took time to site and type about the first topic that came to ur mind that day...

but again i think blogging really helps people get to read about other viewpoint on various subjects,many real life experiences that we are so short of time to talk and find out with other recipes,solutions to problems(of all kinds)...the list goes endless....
i just hope all this typing wouldn't leade toa mute world in the future with only the keyboard making the typewriter i end this post i think i got the apt name to the post-blogomania!!!

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