Thursday, July 4, 2013

Murphy's law -Modified

When my father in law asked me if I have heard of Murphy’s law , I thought  Physics was taking revenge on me for abandoning her after college. “I think I have studied it in school” i tried to bluff and was caught red handed even before I finished the sentence. Perfect! How much more embarrassing can this get?  Murphy’s law is a satirical statement and can simply be stated as

 “If anything can go wrong, it will.” 

Here is a log of the recent happenings in my life and I cannot  find a better  way  to sum it all up.

  • I got a job and a good one too. But soon I was told I can join only after 18 months.
  • I was renewing my visa and what should have been a pretty easy process  came back to me with a rejection the day before my birthday
  • Reached the airport around 3 hours early only to hear the aircraft I was to boart has a tyre puncture and there is a 24 hr delay in flight, followed by panicked calls from relatives and stay over at a strange hotel next to the airport.
  • Further 2 hour delay in flight the next day because the inspection is not yet over
  • ‘Unidentified luggage’ detected as soon as the flight was boarded.
  • Turbulence all the way through the flight
  • Landed in Mumbai airport for flight transfer and my next flight is only after 6 hours
  • Another stay over at yet another strange hotel and lunch covered in flies
  • Arrives in Kerala only to find that my mobile is completely out of charge and no Indian currency in hand
  • Tries to apply for medical certificate and fails to get appointment
  • Gets the certificate but the photograph is of wrong size
  • Submits the visa application and missing biometric card
  • 15 days minimum wait and it is going to be a month and no sign for it
  • Gets message that processed visa is on its way back. But there is a delay in flight nothing new there, is there?)
  • Visa approved but no flights to book as Ramadan is approaching
  • Excess luggage detected at airport,panic and luggage trandfer
  • Gruelling 2 hours of interview at immigration. Had me peeing in my pants(almost..)
  • Accident on M25, had to take a detour home and 3 hours in a taxi
  • I was close to mental break down  many times during this. It was definitely a never series of unfortunate incidents and it shook me like hell. Well, that is what Murphy’s law is all about isn’t it? But on the contrary, the whole series  shed a very positive light on my light.

Getting a job in the middle of a world sinking in economic crisis is no joke. And being granted a year to goof around before joining is a miracle. I met my husband at the age of 20 . I married him at 26 and after 6 years of relationship I was beginning to believe there was no spark left in our relationship. After being away for a month and not knowing if I will ever be back with him definitely made our hearts grow fonder. I left my parents  and in laws the day after my marriage. I had one of the most eventful vacation of all times with them. To know the people my husband grew up with, to hear his childhood stories from his mom and to sleep in the room he slept as a child was a different experience. A novice at cooking I learnt the tricks of the trade from my mother in law and shopping with her is always a bliss. Above all I realised life is o joke and it should never be taken granted. It is true my flight got delayed by 24 hours but what of it had taken off on time but discovered the faulty tyres mid air? So what if my visa came late, what if it hadn’t come at all?I hence believe everything happens fr a reason. I would hereby like to modify Murphy’s law as

“If anything can go wrong, it will and it happens for a reason”.

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