Thursday, June 7, 2012

Twenty six and not out!

Its been such a long time that I wrote something solid that words are a blur in my head. "Age is just a number"  I tell myself. Is it? Do I really believe it? Is that why I have refused to think about my birthday this year, is that why I have been really irritable the past one week and is that why the number 26 seems so scary all of a sudden? So right after I wrap my mobile in a freezer bag and chuck it into the oven( absent mindedly of course), I calm myself down with a cuppa and open my small black diary to go over the plan list. For those who don't know me, I always have a plan( and back up plan and back ups for the back up plans as well). Bake a cake( and not from a mix) - check, Wear contacts - check ( Thank you urmi chechi), Go for an  trip- check ( Thank you chandreyee), take a year off to goof around and do anything I like - check( Thank you chacko), start gardening - check( Thank you anonymous landlord). Not bad I think, but can't help cringing at the unchecked , sad members of the list:

1. Learn to make conversation in a crowd
2. Start on my book( I keep changing the subject every month)
3. Learn to filter opinions in head before blurting it out( and thus causing less awkward silences and stares)
4. Stop bringing up random topics to avoid awkward silences mentioned in list member 3.
5. Learn to put on make up( properly, following universally accepted techniques)
6. Learn to hold a baby(mom and relatives, this is not about what you think it is..)
7. Stop speaking English like Malayalam( might be the last one to get crossed off the list)